A room of our own for the rantings, ravings, thoughts, and inspired writing of the self defined and those who will join us in breaking the silence. What's your song?

A Womyn Undone

With frayed edges
and tattered hair
I cry out,

Smiling at me
the sun replies,
"Why not?"

So focused on the clouds,
I miss her message
of Light and continue on,
leaving a trail of thread.

The layers of my story
begin to unravel
and I am left
Naked and raw,
I perfect my bite.
Stay away.
Keep out.
Wild Womyn in mourning.
Don't Touch.

Like a caged animal,
I am broke in,

Abandoning my body,
I flee to my mind.
I can always find
somewhere to hide
in my mind.

But this heart will wither and die
if I continue to hide from the sun,
so peaking out
I hear the call,
"Why not?"
"Maybe she was meant to die
and you were left to find peace."

"Your life is not over yet.
Why would you want to waste any minute
of it in anger and sorrow?"

"let go!"
"Let go!"
"Let Go!"

Shed this skin for the new
and come home to your body.

Embrace your Lover at every opportunity you have for real connection.
Love selflessly.
Let go of expectation.
Say you're welcome after each genuine thank you.
For gifts do not need retribution.
Gifts are a selfless expression of your Love.

Give your Love freely -
As though you have never been hurt,
nor experienced Loss.

Stop Being Afraid.

You can not control that which has already been laid out before you.
You are already on the path of your life -
it is time to dance.
Dance for joy, for pain, for sorrow.
Dance for light, for dark, for all shades of gray.
Dance for sex, for autonomy, for connection.
Just dance for all that you need and more.

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