A room of our own for the rantings, ravings, thoughts, and inspired writing of the self defined and those who will join us in breaking the silence. What's your song?

the hu(wo)manifesto

beyond this flesh – down to the bone – we are ALL inherently composed of the same balance of molecules that make us uniquely hu(wo)man. there is but ONE “race” – hu(wo)man – so why is it a race at all? Color. Class. Creed. Size. Ability. Sexuality. Gender. the hue of our largest organ can no more define one hu(wo)man's value or character from another. neither can one's genitalia, because at the heart of the matter we all bleed red – and the differences are SOCIAL CONSTRUCTS. created and maintained to offer a false sense of order. until we learn to seek and speak outside of binary thought there will always be those who are screaming to be heard - the DIS-advantaged, DIS-eased, DIS-owned, DIS-membered, DIS-enfranchised, DIS-tant, far, Far, FAr, FAR away from this time and place I believe there is a space for us ALL. a room of our own to be as unique and individual as we are – the flesh, blood, and bone members of this society – the hu(wo)mans. as a hu(wo)man one can no longer reside in apathy, a great awakening must capture every mind and heart to facilitate a new form of education. it begins with a question and snowballs into a life's work of DIS-covering one's self outside of SOCIETAL NORMS. stories must be told, heard, and passed on by every one of us in order to refrain from repeating the same oppressive cycle. cis-women, trans-women, cis-men, trans-men, boi-girls, grl-boys, two-spirit, and everyone on the fringe and in between must be afforded the same rights and access to fulfill our full hu(wo)man potential. Education. Shelter. Income. Encouragement. Parenting. Federal recognition. Acceptance. Love. Equality. Freedom. Choice. for so long as ANY are suffering from injustice, then NONE of us are free

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